• R 231, Greater Kailash Part I, New Delhi -100 048

NCI Academic Activity/Collaboration Grant

NCI in pursuance of its objective to build research ties between our member universities and India is making available 10000 euros for the purpose of funding academic activities. Accordingly, applications are invited for funding (upto 5000 Euros per project) for activities planned to be held in Winter 2023 and until November 2024.

The funding would be available for a wide range of academic activities preferably joint proposals involving at least two NCI member universities along with at least one Indian higher education and research institution. Activities could include research projects, conferences, workshops, networking activities as well as support for travel. Collaboration and innovation possibilities would be the primary criteria for assessing the application. This along with the heft of the project description, its feasibility, the academic credentials of the applicants, potential for long-term Indo-Nordic cooperation alongside advancement of knowledge in the area of study, and alignment to NCI’s larger objectives related to Indo- Nordic cooperation and visibility of the same would also be considered.

Upon completion of the event, the main applicant will be required to submit a written report to the Nordic Centre of India. The stipulation in terms of reporting for the programme in terms of receiving the grant from NCI is that the recipients write out a report (possibly including a video / graphic images / photos) describing the work undertaken and the outcomes achieved.

Please also note that the grant will cover only academic activities and their immediate expenses and will not cover hours related to planning for the same as well as per diems related to travel. Also, in case of several applications the NCI may offer a partial funding.

Who can apply?

Doctoral level researchers and above, located at NCI member universities in collaboration with colleagues at another member university and an Indian higher education institution or research institution. NCI aims to assist in the developing and enhancing of skills of early career researchers and provide them with more opportunities for leading academic activities. Early career researcher are therefore encouraged to apply.

NCI Academic Activity/Collaboration Grant

What is covered?

NCI will provide a one-time payment of upto 5000 Euros upon submission of the appropriate proof of expenses.

Deadline for applying

30th of August, 2023

How to apply?

An application should include an Application Form. In addition to submitting this form, please send the following attachments to Katriina Vartiainen at nci@tuni.fi:

  • PDF-print of the completed application form (You can print/save the form as PDF after submitting it.)
  • CV, including a list of publications and research output
  • Signed letters of intent from the Nordic and Indian activity partners
  • Description of the activity and expected results of Indo-Nordic cooperation and visibility for NCI, activity details (e.g. planned dates, venue, expected number of participants, target groups, etc.), and schedule (max. 2000 words)
  • Activity budget including the total budget and other possible lines of sponsorship

Applications will be evaluated by an NCI Grants Committee based on the heft of the project description, academic credentials, potential for long-term Indo-Nordic cooperation and benefits for the Nordic Centre in India.